Thursday, 28 May 2015

a week at the GEA: Green Earth Awakening Festival

Just spent a lovely week working in the Buddhafield Vegan Kitchen/Cafe for the Green Earth Awakening Festival down in Devon. We were blessed with wonderful sunny days and cosy nights around the fire. This is my second year working with the Buddhafield crew - it's so lovely to be part of the team, see familiar faces and catch up with friends I haven't seen in almost a year. It's also been so lovely to learn more about Buddhist teachings and Dharma. I'm really looking forward to working in the kitchen at Glastonbury and Buddhafield Festival in the next couple of months. Following are some photos from the festival and a lovely sunset...Enjoy..

Dave playing Ninja

Trevor & Enid

Ellie & Alenka
Joe & Alice

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

a week in latvia

I recently went to Riga, Latvia to visit my darling friend Ilona and her husband Matt. I spent a year working with Ilona in the UK and we became very close. I was lucky to have my friend Josh join me there too. And it was lovely to meet up with Martin who I met a couple of weeks ago at Veg Fest in the UK. We visited to some beautiful places around Latvia and it was lovely to be shown around.

Here are some pictures from the week xx

The view of Riga from 26 floors up.

Sunset in the city.

Martin in the woods in Sigulda.

Josh & I in the woods in Sigulda.

Human bones and skulls found in a bag in a cemetery in Riga.

Human bones and skulls found in a bag in a cemetery in Riga.

Lovely Josh.

Beautiful Ilona.

Old KGB building known as the 'Corner House' in central Riga.

Abandoned building, Riga
Abandoned building, Riga
Abandoned building, Riga
Abandoned building, Riga
Abandoned building, Riga
Abandoned building, Sigulda
Abandoned building, Sigulda
Abandoned building, Sigulda
Abandoned building, Sigulda
Abandoned building, Sigulda
Abandoned building, Sigulda
Abandoned building, Sigulda
Abandoned building, Sigulda

Abandoned building, Sigulda

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

a week in norway

Back from beautiful Norway after 5 days of adventure with my friend Nick. 

We spent the first couple of days in Oslo exploring the city with all it's wonderful architecture (the huge modern opera house with it's slanting roof, the amazing neoClassical Royal Palace and traditional wooden structures that are iconic to Norway..). We stumbled upon an Indian Festival celebrating the turban. It was beautiful and colourful with fantastic traditional Indian music, delicious food and turbans for everyone! 

We visited a couple of museums and art galleries including the Emanuel Vigeland Mausoleum which is amazing! We also had a lovely picnic lunch in the Vigeland Park with all sorts of crazy sculptures. (Gustav and Emanuel Vigeland are brothers - Gustav being more well known.)

We spent the rest of our trip couch surfing in Nesodden, one of the most beautiful, tranquil and picturesque places I have visited. There was a wonderful coastal walk that we went on, taking lots of photos along the way. It was so nice to be outside in the fresh air - it is so crisp and clean and we were lucky to have sunny weather the whole time (except the last day when it began to snow!)

We also visited Drammen and Sandvika with a lovely friend of Nick's. The highlight of that was visiting the Drammen Spiral. We drove up inside a mountain, around and around and around in this tunnel until we reached a door at the top, drove through and we could look out across the city of Drammen. It was really beautiful and photos just don't do it justice!

It was so lovely for me to travel with a friend this time - I have had enough of solo travelling for a while! Thanks Nick for joining me and for doing so much of the organising and map reading and for cramming so much in to such a short amount of time!

Here are some pics of our adventure. Enjoy xx

Vigeland Park

Vigeland Park

Outside one of the art galleries.

Outside one of the art galleries.

Turban Outfitters Festival

Turban Outfitters Festival

Turban Outfitters Festival

Turban Outfitters Festival

Turban Outfitters Festival

Turban Outfitters Festival

Turban Outfitters Festival

Busker in Oslo






Last day in Nesodden